Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Making Passage to Yarmouth

Saturday night we left our new home port of St. Andrews for a "take 2" on our journey to Yarmouth. Weather has greatly improved. We made our way to Campobello, then Grand Manan, Sandy Cove deep in St Marys Bay and today we find ourselves in Westport, Brier Island, NS. Up until today we were accompanied by first, 3 then, 2 other boats from the yacht club. We have had many adventures already including a whale that surfaced within 20 feet of our boat and was heading right for us! It was a bit scarey but very thrilling at the same time! Last evening we went to the home of Steven and Maryann who served us fresh haddock, grilled green beans, fresh out the garden potatoes and then blueberry pie. It was quite the feast! We did not go back to our boats with hungry bellies, I tell you that! We were able to sail for the most part except for today where the wind would not permit it as it insisted on blowing directly at us! I got to have my usual amusement ride on the bow, however. It's off to Yarmouth tomorrow and heaven's knows what will happen with "Hurricane Bill" on the loose in our region!

We'll post in a couple days.

Dave & Danielle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danielle & Dave:

Watch your weight!
