Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Westport, Brier Island

After a rather hasty decision to leave for Brier Island today. We set out in 20 knot winds and 6-8 foot seas for about 7 hours of motor sailing. Once rounding Trinity Ledge, the seas were pretty much from the stern. Didn't take any water down the back of my neck, but she was a rolly ride. The fog was so thick you could lean up against it over the side of the boat. I was warned about doing that as it has been noted to lift very quickly as well...and you could fall overboard (haha). Now we are looking for the window to get back across the Bay of Fundy before the next forcasted Hurricane (Danny) is supposed to bare down on Southern New Brunswick. This will be 2 in as many weeks. We may have to run through the night to get back in half descent weather.

Looking to be back on the mooring by Friday evening.

Later... D & D

"Ships are the nearest thing to dreams that hands have ever made." -Robert N. Rose

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