Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back in St. Andrews -an update

On Thursday, August 27th, we had one of the most enjoyable sails across the Bay of Fundy. We left Brier Island at about 1130hrs on a low slack tide and proceeded out Grand Passage towards Grand Manan. We passed the Northwest Ledges & Moores Ledges and set the sails. We were almost dead in irons as we tried to point toward Grand Manan. After making two tacks the winds freshened and veered to the point that we were able to beat into the wind making on average 6 knots all the way to North Head Grand Manan. A beautiful day with great visibility. As the day progressed we started sighting whales. Blows off in the distance, some spy hopping, and most just surfacing and blowing then submerging. Truly remarkable. One can never get tired looking at these amazing creatures.

By 1900hrs we were on a mooring at North Head enjoying a lovely BBQ'd steak with all the fixings on the boat. The seas turned dead calm except for a general roll all night.

Friday, August 28th, we are off again at about 1100hrs headed for Letite Passage to make the slack tide into the Passamaquoddy Bay and onto St. Andrews. Winds were very calm and we had to use the Iron Jib for the most of the day. As we approached the Wolves, we started sighting the Right Whales again, one blew about 50 feet off the starboard beam running parallel to our course.

The last 2 weeks out have been an enjoyable time dispite the fog and ducking from storms. We are now down to the weekend cruises until the boat comes out of the water in mid October.


Dave & Danielle

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