Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tomorrow (Sunday) is the departure date for our 2 week trip over to Yarmouth.  Between Grand Babies & Weddings its been a busy summer so we have not ventured too far this sailing season.  We are in the company of three other boats that are making the passage for the first time.  Weather & Tides both look pretty good for the next little while.  Updates & Pictures to follow as we get internet access.

Fair Winds!!!

Dave & Danielle


Anonymous said...

Hey Brother, take care and hope you have a great trip - was good to see you again.

Fair seas...


Anonymous said...

Hi Precious:

Hope you and David are having a great sailing adventure!

See ya when you return home. I had a wonderful time during my month-long sojurn in the Sunshine state.

I et an old Jew who had alzheimer's and he sang a song and danced for me in the big mall. His two attendants laughed thier sides out. It was funny.


Anonymous said...


That word is "met" not "et.
