Sunday, August 15, 2010

On the Docks... Yarmouth

Mysterious Ways, Kauwela Ohana, Gryphon
& Zoom at the Yarmouth Town Docks
Weather has been really nice for fog as of yet.  Looks like the long range is calling for a bit the first of the week.  The Yarmouth Shark Fishing Scramble is finally over and we now have places back on the docks...  a bit smelly, actually the worst I've ever smelled at the docks... Could be blowing off the herring boats on the next dock over.  Today is a relax & enjoy day.  We are now looking at departing Yarmouth on Tuesday weather permitting.  Today will be a trip to the Beach (John's Cove) and visiting some relatives.  Last night was a little social on board Mysterious Ways...  Thanks to a friend back home (Mike C.) we celebrated with a bottle of Pussers.  We toasted you buddy!  Danielle's cousin has picked her up and they are making plans for us for supper.  Hoping to get a visit to Sweeney's Fishery Museum today or tomorrow.
More Later...

Dave and Danielle

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