Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back in St. Andrews (A Week Ago)

Finback Whale surfacing off
Campobello Island
Lighthouse off Head Harbour,
Campobello Island, NB
Just getting around to finishing the blog from the trip.  It was a great sail back home from Yarmouth.  Lots of whales were sited between Brier Island, NS and Campobello Island, NB.  My sister came aboard for the rest of the trip home at North Head, Grand Manan.  A few Finbacks were seen on the trip out from Head Harbour, Campobello.  We dingied out to the Quoddy Head Light and enjoyed an hour of sea glass hunting on a beach. Some very interesting pieces were found that will be made into nice Sterling Silver Jewelry.  All in all the trip was a beautiful.  Good weather, Good Friends, and of course good food...

Dave & Danielle
Seals on the Ledges off White Horse Island

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