Monday, August 24, 2009

Hurricane Bill is coming...and left

It was an interesting last few days on the docks in Yarmouth. The docks were very sheltered from the hurricane winds (actually it was diminished to about 50-55 knots) -but still a good blow. A young boy kept coming down to the docks announcing that "Bill is coming..." for two days before the blow. I guess that would make no reason not to be prepared. We had basically stripped the boat to bare poles and removed the bimini, etc... Doubled all the lines, placed doubled fenders. I remained on the boat while Danielle took an invitation to remain ashore for the evening and day of the blow. The boat handled it fairly well, chafed a few lines, but no damage to speak of. T'was an experience. We had a chance to drive out to Cape Forchu to watch the surf pounding the shore. Seas were running at about 8 meters. By late afternoon, you'd never know that a hurricane past within 100 miles of shore. Sunny & Calm, a beautiful evening.

Plans now to depart Yarmouth and head back to St. Andrews by the weekend. More than likely to depart here either Wednesday or Thursday, depending on the winds. -Still foggy.

We'll post again when back.

Dave & Danielle

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