Sunday, August 30, 2009

Re-tracing the Route -Cruise Summary

The following chart excerpts show the track of the boat this past few weeks.
In summary:
August 15th: St. Andrews, NB to Head Harbour, Campobello Island, NB (Distance 16 NM)
August 16th: Head Harbour to North Head, Grand Manan Island, NB (Distance 18.7 NM)
August 17th: North Head to Sandy Cove, NS (St. Mary's Bay) (Distance 45.5 NM)
August 19th: Sandy Cove to Westport, Brier Island, NS (Distance 21.2 NM)
August 20th: Westport to Yarmouth, NS (Distance 34.5 NM)
August 26th: Yarmouth to Westport, Brier Island, NS (Distance 35.9 NM)
August 27th: Westport, NS to North Head, Grand Manan Island, NB (Distance 39.2 NM)
August 28th: North Head to St. Andrews, NB (Distance 28.0 NM)

Clip 1: from St. Andrews, NB to Grand Manan Island, NB area including Campobello Island, NB.

Clip 2: from Grand Manan, NB to St. Mary's Bay, NS.

Clip 3: St. Mary's Bay to Yarmouth, NS.

Back in St. Andrews -an update

On Thursday, August 27th, we had one of the most enjoyable sails across the Bay of Fundy. We left Brier Island at about 1130hrs on a low slack tide and proceeded out Grand Passage towards Grand Manan. We passed the Northwest Ledges & Moores Ledges and set the sails. We were almost dead in irons as we tried to point toward Grand Manan. After making two tacks the winds freshened and veered to the point that we were able to beat into the wind making on average 6 knots all the way to North Head Grand Manan. A beautiful day with great visibility. As the day progressed we started sighting whales. Blows off in the distance, some spy hopping, and most just surfacing and blowing then submerging. Truly remarkable. One can never get tired looking at these amazing creatures.

By 1900hrs we were on a mooring at North Head enjoying a lovely BBQ'd steak with all the fixings on the boat. The seas turned dead calm except for a general roll all night.

Friday, August 28th, we are off again at about 1100hrs headed for Letite Passage to make the slack tide into the Passamaquoddy Bay and onto St. Andrews. Winds were very calm and we had to use the Iron Jib for the most of the day. As we approached the Wolves, we started sighting the Right Whales again, one blew about 50 feet off the starboard beam running parallel to our course.

The last 2 weeks out have been an enjoyable time dispite the fog and ducking from storms. We are now down to the weekend cruises until the boat comes out of the water in mid October.


Dave & Danielle

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Westport, Brier Island

After a rather hasty decision to leave for Brier Island today. We set out in 20 knot winds and 6-8 foot seas for about 7 hours of motor sailing. Once rounding Trinity Ledge, the seas were pretty much from the stern. Didn't take any water down the back of my neck, but she was a rolly ride. The fog was so thick you could lean up against it over the side of the boat. I was warned about doing that as it has been noted to lift very quickly as well...and you could fall overboard (haha). Now we are looking for the window to get back across the Bay of Fundy before the next forcasted Hurricane (Danny) is supposed to bare down on Southern New Brunswick. This will be 2 in as many weeks. We may have to run through the night to get back in half descent weather.

Looking to be back on the mooring by Friday evening.

Later... D & D

"Ships are the nearest thing to dreams that hands have ever made." -Robert N. Rose

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Departing on Wednesday

We've had a great stay in Yarmouth. We are still seeing a lot of fog in the evenings, the days for the last couple have been generally clear and warm. The weather is calling for SW winds on Wednesday and NW winds on Thursday and we decided to leave on Wednesday for Brier Island and then make the run across the Bay of Fundy back to either Grand Manan or Campobello depending on the conditions. It has been a good stay here, Enhydra (Steve & Janice) from Fredericton, departed for Cape St. Mary's today...We may meet them on Friday on Brier Island. Not much else new...just shopping and wandering around the town.


Dave & Danielle

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hurricane Bill is coming...and left

It was an interesting last few days on the docks in Yarmouth. The docks were very sheltered from the hurricane winds (actually it was diminished to about 50-55 knots) -but still a good blow. A young boy kept coming down to the docks announcing that "Bill is coming..." for two days before the blow. I guess that would make no reason not to be prepared. We had basically stripped the boat to bare poles and removed the bimini, etc... Doubled all the lines, placed doubled fenders. I remained on the boat while Danielle took an invitation to remain ashore for the evening and day of the blow. The boat handled it fairly well, chafed a few lines, but no damage to speak of. T'was an experience. We had a chance to drive out to Cape Forchu to watch the surf pounding the shore. Seas were running at about 8 meters. By late afternoon, you'd never know that a hurricane past within 100 miles of shore. Sunny & Calm, a beautiful evening.

Plans now to depart Yarmouth and head back to St. Andrews by the weekend. More than likely to depart here either Wednesday or Thursday, depending on the winds. -Still foggy.

We'll post again when back.

Dave & Danielle

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beautiful Sail to Yarmouth

We made Yarmouth....finally, after several attempts over the summer. Now that we are here we have to find shelter from Hurricane Bill. We have a mooring secured and will strip the boat if the winds are going to be over 60knots as forcasted at this point. Seas were very calm for most of the day today...we sailed have way and used the iron genoa for the last part. Yarmouth has always been a favourite layover and place to spend several days. We shall post more later... Attached is a picture of the Cape Forchu Light at the entrance to Yarmouth Sound. This is the house my father was born in.

'Til next time...

Dave & Danielle

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Making Passage to Yarmouth

Saturday night we left our new home port of St. Andrews for a "take 2" on our journey to Yarmouth. Weather has greatly improved. We made our way to Campobello, then Grand Manan, Sandy Cove deep in St Marys Bay and today we find ourselves in Westport, Brier Island, NS. Up until today we were accompanied by first, 3 then, 2 other boats from the yacht club. We have had many adventures already including a whale that surfaced within 20 feet of our boat and was heading right for us! It was a bit scarey but very thrilling at the same time! Last evening we went to the home of Steven and Maryann who served us fresh haddock, grilled green beans, fresh out the garden potatoes and then blueberry pie. It was quite the feast! We did not go back to our boats with hungry bellies, I tell you that! We were able to sail for the most part except for today where the wind would not permit it as it insisted on blowing directly at us! I got to have my usual amusement ride on the bow, however. It's off to Yarmouth tomorrow and heaven's knows what will happen with "Hurricane Bill" on the loose in our region!

We'll post in a couple days.

Dave & Danielle

Friday, August 14, 2009

Short trip out to Campobello Island

Back on the boat after travelling the coast in a trailer. Heading off to SW Nova Scotia on Saturday. Weather has definitely improved since a couple weeks ago on the bay. Spent Wednesday evening in Head Harbour on Campobello Island. Saw several whales on the way on and out on the next day. They show up at the slack tides less than a mile from the light. As always, they are amazing creatures to watch.

More to follow when interenet access permits.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday has been a drying out day. Finally had a day that it didn't rain. Looking at the forcast for the next while, it doesn't seem much better. We have decided to pull the plug on this part of the trip because of the weather patterns. Locals are saying that they haven't seen a summer like this in years. We are switching from the sailboat to the Land Yacht. We are taking a week to go to Cape Breton in the Camper and see the highlands. Hopefully in a week and a half the weather will take its normal seasonal change to dryer and clearer weather more suitable to sailing. The two photos attached: Seastar doing a pole dance on a pier of the St Andrews wharf... a second of the Green Point Lighthouse at the Bay of Fundy side of the entrance to Letite Passage. Currents pushed us through here running at about 6 or 7 knots (supposedly at slack tide).

We'll post once we're back on board in a week or so. :-)


Friday, July 24, 2009

Still in St. Andrews

Well, the weather has done us in again...Still in St. Andrews with forecasts of winds to 35 knots on the bay. Looking at now getting out on either Sunday or Monday if there is a change in these weather patterns. What a wet summer! We are enjoying St. Andrews and people we are getting to know that are a part of the St. Andrews Yacht Club and the Marina. This will be a nice place to call the home port.

More later...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally in St. Andrews, weather has been, well, very Maritime, Lots of fog and rain. A bit depressing. We are looking at leaving St. Andrews for Grand Manan tomorrow with the tide at about noon local time. Weather hopefully will be a it more favourable. The plan is to be in Yarmouth for Saturday if everything goes as it should. Had a great day sailing into St. Andrews from Dipper Harbour with winds SW 15-20 knots..,and it was actually sunny for that afternoon. We have a nice mooring next to Navy Island just off the scenic St. Andrews wharf. This will be home to the boat from here on. Probably get another post up when we are settled into Yarmouth.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer is quickly moving on. Here it is the middle of July already and we are just pulling out for 3 - 4 weeks cruising along the coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The plan is to stop at some of our favorite spots; St. Andrews, NB, Brier Island, NS, Yarmouth, NS at first. As we have internet access we will update this blog... Departing our mooring in Douglas Harbour, Grand Lake, NB tomorrow late in the day for Gagetown for the first night...then to Saint John. More to follow... Cheers.