Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well the sailing season is just about wrapping up with just over one month before the haul-outs begin. Had a great 4 day weekend on the boat on the Labour Day weekend sailing the river system. Belleisle Bay was the destination this time. For the first time we sailed down to the end of the bay to the small community of Hatfield's Point. We were met by some very friendly locals that said we were the first boats in of the summer. For the most part this point was always a place where sailboats weren't supposed to be able to get into...learned differently. What a beautiful tiny harbour to spend a weekend. Only three boats take residence on moorings there. One being this beautifully Nova Scotia built dory sailing boat owned by a local resident. This place rates high on my list of places to come back to.

Aside from sticking to the river this summer and sailing on an the Route Halifax / St. Pierre Ocean Race, not much else was done this of those years.

"Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit."-Quote by: Brooks Atkinson

Saturday, July 5, 2008

In The Water at Douglas Harbour

After the worst flooding in over 30 years the boat is in the water and at it's regular mooring in Douglas Harbour on Grand Lake. Water levels are not usually a concern this time of year but they are over 6' above the normal. Rains are the main culperate. Planning is underway for a short cruise in late July & August this year to Yarmouth and area. More to follow.

"There is nothing- absolutely nothing-half so much worth doingas simply messing about in boats." -Kenneth Grahame 1908 classic, The Wind in the Willows.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Blog Introduction

I am just setting up this blog as a means of an online yacht log as we ply the waters of the Bay of Fundy and the North Atlantic around Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the New England Coast. Beautiful cruising in the area makes this a favourite for many sailors from all around. Hopefully this blog will give a snippet of our cruising grounds. Over the winter the blog will contain the various upgrades and projects done on the boat as it seems it is continuly being upgraded.

Fair Winds,

To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumine only the track it has passed. Quote attributed to Samuel Taylor Coleridge